The Podcast for cake makers and bakers running a business. The Business of Caking Making is for cake makers who run a business. Hosted by Bronya and Sammie from Daisy Cake Company we delve into all aspects of running a Cake or Baking Business, with some expert guests. UK Based podcast.

Monday Dec 05, 2022
Ep 70 - Jenny Chambers
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Monday Dec 05, 2022
Fresh from winning Best at the Show at Cake International 2022, we are chatting to Jenny Chambers.
She chats about her whirlwind of a year including travelling to Canada to be in a TV Cake Competition, and just a month ago winning Cake International with her sculpted cake.
We find out why she chose the design she did, how she made a hole in a cake without any supports, and if she'll be entering again next year.
And on top of that, she is just the loveliest person and we could have chatted all evening.

Monday Nov 21, 2022
Ep 69 - Hacks. Hints and Tips to save you time and Stress with your cakes
Monday Nov 21, 2022
Monday Nov 21, 2022
In this episode Bronya and Sammie chat about things that could make your life easier in your cake business. From knowing how to make buttermilk if you haven't bought it, to using Google Maps to see where the traffic jams are on your delivery route.
We've been in this business a long time and have learnt a lot of tricks to make our lives quicker and less stressed. These are the things that if you don't know them, who is going to tell you? Us, that's who!!

Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Cake and Bake Show - Day 3 Interviews
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
Saturday Nov 19, 2022
This year Bronya and Sammie were privileged to be invited to podcast live from the Cake and Bake Show. Held over 3 days they interviewed loads of guests. These are the Guests from Day 3
It was a busy and noisy show, and they have done their best in the edit to muffle some of the background noise. If you wish to jump to a specific interview just follow the time codes below:
4mins, 19secs - Chigs Palmer, GBBO
18mins, 55secs - Freya Cox, GBBO
28mins, 43secs - Paul A Young
46mins, 25secs - Paul Wayne Gregory
58mins, 37secs - Christina, Tasteful Cakes
1hr, 09mins, 05secs - Holly Stringer, Visiting Member of the Public
1hr, 10mins, 39secs - Product of the Day
1hr, 17mins, 10secs - Jemma Melvin
1hr, 30mins, 45secs - My Baker
1hr, 42mins, 19secs - Ashprint
1hr, 47mins, 00Secs - Cake Craft by Charlotte and May
1hr, 51mins, 50secs - Sugar Valley Stencils

Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Cake and Bake Show - Day 2 Interviews
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
Thursday Nov 17, 2022
This year Bronya and Sammie were privileged to be invited to podcast live from the Cake and Bake Show. Held over 3 days they interviewed loads of guests. These are the Guests from Day 2
It was a busy and noisy show, and they have done their best in the edit to muffle some of the background noise. If you wish to jump to a specific interview just follow the time codes below:
3mins, 14secs - Lisa Marley
10mins, 27secs - Sweet Doris
17mins, 57secs - Eric Lanlard
27mins, 34secs - Paul Jagger, GBBO
35mins, 47secs - Phil Thorne, GBBO
42mins, 20secs - Kendra Groves, Wild Child Cakes
56mins, 55secs - Oli the Choc
1hr, 10mins, 30secs - Bell, Bella Sugarcraft
1hr, 22mins, 35secs - Product of the Day
1hr, 28mins, 52secs - Molly Robbins
1hr, 40mins, 09secs - Skinny Slabs
1hr, 52mins, 40secs - Lilium Cakery

Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Cake and Bake Show - Day 1 Interviews
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
Saturday Nov 12, 2022
This year Bronya and Sammie were privileged to be invited to podcast live from the Cake and Bake Show. Held over 3 days they interviewed loads of guests. These are the Guests from Day 1
It was a busy and noisy show, and they have done their best in the edit to muffle some of the background noise. If you wish to jump to a specific interview just follow the time codes below:
2min, 30secs - Richard, Wrights Flour
15min, 05secs - Rosemary Schrager
27min, 55secs - Christine Jenson, Black Box Cakes
55min, 55secs - Karen Davies Sugarcraft
1hr, 0min, 45secs - Cherish Finden
1hr, 14min, 0secs - Britt Box, She Who Bakes
1hr, 29min, 54secs - Julian, Plamil Chocolate
1hr, 45min, 49secs - Rosie Cake Diva
2hr, 02min, 55secs - Natasha, No Cakes R Better and Bakeulator
2hr, 14min, 05secs - Guy, DTM Print

Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Ep 65 - Running a Cake Business from Home
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
In this episode we talk about the practicalities of running a cake business from home. Running your own business is hard enough - running a cake business can be next level with the amount of space that is needed.
Sammie and Bronya talk about their experiences and how they make their working lives easier by being organised, setting a routine and most importantly helping their families understand the pressures on them and their work.
For more information go to https://www.thebusinessofcakemaking.co.uk

Monday Oct 10, 2022
Episode 64 - Trading through an Economic Crisis
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
This week Bronya and Sammie chat about how you can continue to have a thriving cake business even though there is an economic crisis looming on the horizon.
Both of them have lived through recessions before and come out the other side. With a bit of careful planning, targeted marketing and working smart with your customers there is no reason why you should have to close your order books.

Monday Oct 03, 2022
Ep 63 - Pricing Mindset with Brette, The Out of Home Baker
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Today we chat to Brette, from Hobblecreek Cake Company and The Out of Home Baker about how she changed her mindset around money to really charge her value and worth.
Brette decided to become the resource that she never had when she was starting her cake business, and she now coaches people to price their cakes correctly - and it's not just about the numbers. Hear how she talks about being able to serve your customers well, whilst still making a good living.
Also, listen to the story around the delivery of her most expensive cake to date - which she took up a mountain!
Get a special listener discount to her Pricing Masterclass by quoting BCM15 when you check out.

Monday Sep 26, 2022
Ep 62 - Eric Lanlard
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
This week Bronya and Sammie are very excited to speak to world renowned patissier Eric Lanlard. After baking in the French Navy he came to London to learn English and never left.
He has many TV appearances to his name, as well as 8 books, and regularly teaches at his South London Boutique Bakery and School, Cake Boy. He is still very passionate about his craft and is always looking for new and exciting flavours.
We chat to him ahead of his appearance at the Cake and Bake Show in October where he's hosting 3 demonstrations as well as developing 8 pastries for his Cake Boy Cocktail and Cake Parlour.
Tickets to The Cake and Bake Show are just £10 by following this link: https://bit.ly/CABPODCAST

Monday Sep 19, 2022
Ep 61 - Miriam Pearson
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
In this episode Sammie and Bronya chat to sugar flower expert Miriam Pearson.
Miriam has been making cakes professionally for over 20 years, and competing for much longer. She has lots of hints and tips to share when using showing sugar flowers.
She also has her amazing Sugar Flower Club for just 25 euros a year, where you can learn a new flower each month.
She is very giving with her knowledge and as Sammie said a voice like 'Blue Velvet', which makes this episode a great listen!